interface Event {
    detail: {
        text?: string;
        type: string;
    game?: {
        beatmap: Beatmap.WithBeatmapset;
        beatmap_id: number;
        end_time: null | Date;
        id: number;
            | "osu"
            | "taiko"
            | "fruits"
            | "mania";
        mode_int: Ruleset;
        mods: string[];
        scores: WithMatch[];
        scoring_type: string;
        start_time: Date;
        team_type: string;
    id: number;
    timestamp: Date;
    user_id: null | number;


detail: {
    text?: string;
    type: string;

Type declaration

  • Optionaltext?: string

    If detail.type is other, this exists and will be the name of the room

  • type: string
game?: {
    beatmap: Beatmap.WithBeatmapset;
    beatmap_id: number;
    end_time: null | Date;
    id: number;
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania";
    mode_int: Ruleset;
    mods: string[];
    scores: WithMatch[];
    scoring_type: string;
    start_time: Date;
    team_type: string;

If detail.type is other, then this should exist!

id: number
timestamp: Date
user_id: null | number