• Get the info about several matches!


    • this: API
    • Optionalquery: {
          first_match_in_array?: number | Info;
          limit?: number;
          sort?: "id_desc" | "id_asc";

      The id of the first match of the array, and the sorting and size of said array

      • Optionalfirst_match_in_array?: number | Info

        Which match should be featured at index 0 of the returned array? Will get one with a similar id if it is unavailable

        You can use this argument differently to get all matches before/after (depending of query.sort) a certain match, by adding +1/-1 to its id! So if you want all matches after match_id 10 with sorting is_desc, just have this argument be 10 + 1, or 11!

      • Optionallimit?: number

        The maximum amount of elements returned in the array (defaults to 50)

      • Optionalsort?: "id_desc" | "id_asc"

        "id_desc" has the biggest id (most recent start_time) at the beginning of the array, "id_asc" is the opposite (defaults to id_desc)

    Returns Promise<Info[]>