• Get comments that meet any of your requirements!


    • this: API
    • Optionalfrom: {
          id: number;
          type: "beatmapset" | "build" | "news_post";

      From where are the comments coming from? Maybe a beatmapset, but then, which beatmapset?

      • id: number
      • type: "beatmapset" | "build" | "news_post"
    • Optionalparent: number | Comment

      The comments are replying to which comment? Make the id 0 to filter out replies (and only get top level comments)

    • Optionalsort: {
          after?: number | Comment;
          cursor?: null | {
              created_at: Date;
              id: number;
          type?: "new" | "top" | "old";

      Should the comments be sorted by votes? Should they be from after a certain date? Maybe you can give a cursor?

      • Optionalafter?: number | Comment
      • Optionalcursor?: null | {
            created_at: Date;
            id: number;
      • Optionaltype?: "new" | "top" | "old"

    Returns Promise<WithTotalToplevelcount>