Interface WithTotalToplevelcount


interface WithTotalToplevelcount {
    commentable_meta: {
        current_user_attributes: {
            can_new_comment_reason: null | string;
        id: number;
        owner_id: null | number;
        owner_title: null | string;
        title: string;
        type: "beatmapset" | "build" | "news_post";
        url: string;
    comments: Comment[];
    cursor: null | {
        created_at: Date;
        id: number;
    deleted_commentable_meta: number;
    has_more: boolean;
    has_more_id: null | number;
    included_comments: Comment[];
    pinned_comments: Comment[];
    sort: "new" | "top" | "old";
    top_level_count: number;
    total: number;
    user_follow: boolean;
    user_votes: number[];
    users: User[];

Hierarchy (view full)


commentable_meta: {
    current_user_attributes: {
        can_new_comment_reason: null | string;
    id: number;
    owner_id: null | number;
    owner_title: null | string;
    title: string;
    type: "beatmapset" | "build" | "news_post";
    url: string;

Type declaration

  • current_user_attributes: {
        can_new_comment_reason: null | string;
    • can_new_comment_reason: null | string

      The string explains why the authorized user cannot post a new comment in this specific context, it's null if they can

      If there is simply no authorized user, this'll be a string such as "Please sign in to proceed."

  • id: number
  • owner_id: null | number
  • owner_title: null | string

    Like MAPPER

  • title: string
  • type: "beatmapset" | "build" | "news_post"
  • url: string
comments: Comment[]
cursor: null | {
    created_at: Date;
    id: number;
deleted_commentable_meta: number

This is an original property of the package that lets you know how many CommentableMetas that only consist of a title of "Deleted Item" got removed

This DOES COUNT the one that is always there, see

has_more: boolean
has_more_id: null | number
included_comments: Comment[]
pinned_comments: Comment[]
sort: "new" | "top" | "old"
top_level_count: number
total: number
user_follow: boolean
user_votes: number[]
users: User[]