Interface WithStatisticsrulesets


interface WithStatisticsrulesets {
    account_history: {
        description: null | string;
        id: number;
        length: number;
        permanent: boolean;
        timestamp: Date;
        type: "note" | "restriction" | "silence";
    active_tournament_banners: {
        id: number;
        image: string;
        tournament_id: number;
    avatar_url: string;
    badges: {
        awarded_at: Date;
        description: string;
        image_url: string;
        url: string;
    beatmap_playcounts_count: number;
    comments_count: number;
    country: {
        code: string;
        name: string;
    country_code: string;
    cover: {
        custom_url: null | string;
        id: null | number;
        url: string;
    cover_url: string;
    daily_challenge_user_stats: {
        daily_streak_best: number;
        daily_streak_current: number;
        last_update: null | Date;
        last_weekly_streak: null | Date;
        playcount: number;
        top_10p_placements: number;
        top_50p_placements: number;
        user_id: number;
        weekly_streak_best: number;
        weekly_streak_current: number;
    default_group: string;
    discord: null | string;
    favourite_beatmapset_count: number;
    follower_count: number;
    graveyard_beatmapset_count: number;
    groups: {
        colour: null | string;
        has_listing: boolean;
        has_playmodes: boolean;
        id: number;
        identifier: string;
        is_probationary: boolean;
        name: string;
        playmodes: null | (
            | "osu"
            | "taiko"
            | "fruits"
            | "mania")[];
        short_name: string;
    guest_beatmapset_count: number;
    has_supported: boolean;
    id: number;
    interests: null | string;
    is_active: boolean;
    is_bot: boolean;
    is_deleted: boolean;
    is_online: boolean;
    is_restricted: boolean;
    is_supporter: boolean;
    join_date: Date;
    kudosu: {
        available: number;
        total: number;
    last_visit: null | Date;
    location: null | string;
    loved_beatmapset_count: number;
    mapping_follower_count: number;
    max_blocks: number;
    max_friends: number;
    monthly_playcounts: {
        count: number;
        start_date: Date;
    nominated_beatmapset_count: number;
    occupation: null | string;
    page: {
        html: string;
        raw: string;
    pending_beatmapset_count: number;
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania";
    playstyle: null | string[];
    pm_friends_only: boolean;
    post_count: number;
    previous_usernames: string[];
    profile_colour: null | string;
    profile_hue: null | number;
    profile_order: (
        | "me"
        | "recent_activity"
        | "beatmaps"
        | "historical"
        | "kudosu"
        | "top_ranks"
        | "medals")[];
    rank_highest: null | {
        rank: number;
        updated_at: Date;
    rank_history: null | {
        data: number[];
            | "osu"
            | "taiko"
            | "fruits"
            | "mania";
    replays_watched_counts: {
        count: number;
        start_date: Date;
    scores_best_count: number;
    scores_first_count: number;
    scores_pinned_count: number;
    scores_recent_count: number;
    statistics: WithCountryrank;
    statistics_rulesets: {
        fruits?: User.Statistics;
        mania?: User.Statistics;
        osu?: User.Statistics;
        taiko?: User.Statistics;
    support_level: number;
    title: null | string;
    title_url: null | string;
    twitter: null | string;
    user_achievements: {
        achieved_at: Date;
        achievement_id: number;
    username: string;
    variants?: {
        country_rank: null | number;
        global_rank: null | number;
            | "osu"
            | "taiko"
            | "fruits"
            | "mania";
        pp: number;
        variant: string;
    website: null | string;

Hierarchy (view full)


account_history: {
    description: null | string;
    id: number;
    length: number;
    permanent: boolean;
    timestamp: Date;
    type: "note" | "restriction" | "silence";
active_tournament_banners: {
    id: number;
    image: string;
    tournament_id: number;
avatar_url: string
badges: {
    awarded_at: Date;
    description: string;
    image_url: string;
    url: string;
beatmap_playcounts_count: number
comments_count: number
country: {
    code: string;
    name: string;
country_code: string
cover: {
    custom_url: null | string;
    id: null | number;
    url: string;
cover_url: string

Please use cover instead!

daily_challenge_user_stats: {
    daily_streak_best: number;
    daily_streak_current: number;
    last_update: null | Date;
    last_weekly_streak: null | Date;
    playcount: number;
    top_10p_placements: number;
    top_50p_placements: number;
    user_id: number;
    weekly_streak_best: number;
    weekly_streak_current: number;
default_group: string
discord: null | string
favourite_beatmapset_count: number
follower_count: number
graveyard_beatmapset_count: number
groups: {
    colour: null | string;
    has_listing: boolean;
    has_playmodes: boolean;
    id: number;
    identifier: string;
    is_probationary: boolean;
    name: string;
    playmodes: null | (
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania")[];
    short_name: string;
guest_beatmapset_count: number
has_supported: boolean
id: number
interests: null | string
is_active: boolean
is_bot: boolean
is_deleted: boolean
is_online: boolean
is_restricted: boolean
is_supporter: boolean
join_date: Date
kudosu: {
    available: number;
    total: number;
last_visit: null | Date
location: null | string
loved_beatmapset_count: number
mapping_follower_count: number
max_blocks: number
max_friends: number
monthly_playcounts: {
    count: number;
    start_date: Date;
nominated_beatmapset_count: number
occupation: null | string
page: {
    html: string;
    raw: string;

Type declaration

  • html: string
  • raw: string

    Basically the text with the BBCode

pending_beatmapset_count: number
    | "osu"
    | "taiko"
    | "fruits"
    | "mania"
playstyle: null | string[]
pm_friends_only: boolean
post_count: number
previous_usernames: string[]
profile_colour: null | string
profile_hue: null | number
profile_order: (
    | "me"
    | "recent_activity"
    | "beatmaps"
    | "historical"
    | "kudosu"
    | "top_ranks"
    | "medals")[]
rank_highest: null | {
    rank: number;
    updated_at: Date;
rank_history: null | {
    data: number[];
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania";
replays_watched_counts: {
    count: number;
    start_date: Date;
scores_best_count: number
scores_first_count: number
scores_pinned_count: number

Specific to the Ruleset (playmode)

scores_recent_count: number
statistics: WithCountryrank
statistics_rulesets: {
    fruits?: User.Statistics;
    mania?: User.Statistics;
    osu?: User.Statistics;
    taiko?: User.Statistics;
support_level: number
title: null | string
title_url: null | string
twitter: null | string
user_achievements: {
    achieved_at: Date;
    achievement_id: number;
username: string
variants?: {
    country_rank: null | number;
    global_rank: null | number;
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania";
    pp: number;
    variant: string;

Exists only if include_variant_statistics was ever specified to be true in a request

website: null | string