Interface Achievement

interface Achievement {
    achievement: {
        description: string;
        grouping: string;
        icon_url: string;
        id: number;
        instructions: null | string;
            | null
            | "osu"
            | "taiko"
            | "fruits"
            | "mania";
        name: string;
        ordering: number;
        slug: string;
    created_at: Date;
    id: number;
    type: "achievement";
    user: Event.SharedProperties.User;

Hierarchy (view full)


achievement: {
    description: string;
    grouping: string;
    icon_url: string;
    id: number;
    instructions: null | string;
        | null
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania";
    name: string;
    ordering: number;
    slug: string;

Type declaration

  • description: string
  • grouping: string
  • icon_url: string
  • id: number
  • instructions: null | string

    May contain HTML (like have the text between )

  • mode:
        | null
        | "osu"
        | "taiko"
        | "fruits"
        | "mania"

    If the achievement is for a specific mode only (such as pass a 2* beatmap in taiko)

  • name: string
  • ordering: number
  • slug: string
created_at: Date
id: number
type: "achievement"