• Get playlists/realtime rooms that are active, that have ended, that the user participated in, that the user made, or just simply any room!


    • this: API
    • type: "realtime" | "playlists"

      Whether the multiplayer rooms are in playlist format (like current spotlights) or realtime

    • mode:
          | "all"
          | "active"
          | "ended"
          | "participated"
          | "owned"

      The state of the room, or the relation of the authorized user with the room

    • limit: number = 10

      The maximum amount of rooms to return, defaults to 10

    • sort: "ended" | "created" = "created"

      Sort (where most recent is first) by creation date or end date, defaults to the creation date

    • Optionalseason_id: number

      Only get rooms (playlists) that belong to a specific (modern) Beatmap Spotlights season id (so 5'd be summer 2020's mania rooms, not winter 2022!!)

    Returns Promise<Room[]>
