• Get the scores on a specific item of a room!


    • this: API
    • item: PlaylistItem | {
          id: number;
          room_id: number;

      An object with the id of the item in question, as well as the id of the room

    • limit: number = 50

      How many scores maximum? Defaults to 50, the maximum the API will return

    • sort: "score_asc" | "score_desc" = "score_desc"

      Sort by scores, ascending or descending? Defaults to descending

    • Optionalcursor_string: string

      Use a Multiplayer.Scores' params and cursor_string to get the next page (scores 51 to 100 for example)

    Returns Promise<Scores>

    (2024-03-04) This may not work for rooms from before March 5th 2024, use at your own risk https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/issues/10725