• Create a new ForumTopic in the forum of your choice!


    • this: API
    • forum_id: number

      The id of the forum you're creating your topic in

    • title: string

      The topic's title

    • text: string

      The first post's content/message

    • Optionalpoll: {
          hide_results?: boolean;
          length_days: number;
          max_options?: number;
          options: string[];
          title: string;
          vote_change?: boolean;

      If you want to make a poll, specify the parameters of that poll!

      • Optionalhide_results?: boolean

        Should the results of the poll be hidden while the voting period is still active? (defaults to false)

      • length_days: number

        Length of voting period in days, 0 means forever

      • Optionalmax_options?: number

        The maximum amount of votes per user! (defaults to 1)

      • options: string[]

        The things the users can vote for

      • title: string
      • Optionalvote_change?: boolean

        Do you allow users to change their vote? (defaults to false)

    Returns Promise<{
        post: Forum.Post;
        topic: Topic;

    An object with the topic you've made, and its first initial post (which uses your text)


    Some users may not be allowed to do that, such as newly registered users, so this can 403 even with the right scopes