• Get complex data about the events of a beatmapset and the users involved with them!


    • this: API
    • Optionalfrom: {
          beatmapset?: number | Beatmapset;
          max_date?: Date;
          min_date?: Date;
          user?: number | User;

      Which beatmapset, or caused by which user? When?

      • Optionalbeatmapset?: number | Beatmapset
      • Optionalmax_date?: Date
      • Optionalmin_date?: Date
      • Optionaluser?: number | User
    • Optionaltypes: (
          | "nominate"
          | "love"
          | "remove_from_loved"
          | "qualify"
          | "disqualify"
          | "approve"
          | "rank"
          | "kudosu_allow"
          | "kudosu_deny"
          | "kudosu_gain"
          | "kudosu_lost"
          | "kudosu_recalculate"
          | "issue_resolve"
          | "issue_reopen"
          | "discussion_lock"
          | "discussion_unlock"
          | "discussion_delete"
          | "discussion_restore"
          | "discussion_post_delete"
          | "discussion_post_restore"
          | "nomination_reset"
          | "nomination_reset_received"
          | "genre_edit"
          | "language_edit"
          | "nsfw_toggle"
          | "offset_edit"
          | "tags_edit"
          | "beatmap_owner_change")[]

      What kinds of events?

    • Optionalconfig: Beatmapset.Config

      How many results maximum, how to sort them, which page of those, maybe a cursor_string...

    Returns Promise<{
        events: Beatmapset.Event.Any[];
        users: WithGroups[];

    Relevant events and users

    (2024-03-11) For months now, the API's documentation says the response is likely to change, so beware, and also there's no documentation for this route in the API, so this is only the result of my interpretation of the website's code lol