• Get complex data about the posts of a beatmapset's discussion or of a user!


    • this: API
    • Optionalfrom: {
          discussion?: number | Discussion;
          user?: number | User;

      From where/who are the posts coming from? A specific discussion, a specific user?

    • Optionaltypes: ("first" | "reply" | "system")[]

      What kind of posts?

    • Optionalconfig: Beatmapset.Config

      How many results maximum, how to sort them, which page of those, maybe a cursor_string...

    Returns Promise<{
        beatmapsets: WithHype[];
        cursor_string: string | null;
        posts: Beatmapset.Discussion.Post[];
        users: User[];

    Relevant posts and info about them

    (2024-03-11) For months now, the API's documentation says the response is likely to change, so beware